G-Code Translator  1.2
Zaber G-Code Translator Library

Table of Contents

NOTE: This library is deprecated and no longer supported. Zaber's modern G-Code translation offering is part of the Zaber Motion Library. There is also an interactive G-Code application within Zaber Launcher.

The Zaber G-Code Translator Library is used by the Zaber Console G-Code Translator plugin to translate G-code into Zaber ASCII stream commands.

Please see https://www.zaber.com/wiki/Software/Zaber_Console/G-Code_Translator for more information on the translator.

Translator API

It is possible to use the translator programmatically by providing the G-code source and a Configuration object to Translator.Translator(TextReader, Configuration) and calling Translator.Translate()


This is an example that sets up a Configuration, translates a G-code file, prints out warnings and errors, and outputs ASCII commands to the screen.

// Set up configuration for an A-MCB2 with an ASR-T3
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.OutputType = ConfigurationOutputType.StreamingCommands;
config.StreamNumber = 1;
config.DeviceAddress = 1;
config.TraverseRate = 153600;
config.X.EnabledType = AxisEnabledType.Enabled;
config.X.AxisNumber = 1;
config.X.MinPosition = 0;
config.X.MaxPosition = 640000;
config.X.MicrostepSize = 0.15625M;
config.Y.EnabledType = AxisEnabledType.Enabled;
config.Y.AxisNumber = 2;
config.Y.MinPosition = 0;
config.Y.MaxPosition = 768000;
config.Y.MicrostepSize = 0.15625M;
// Map M-codes to specific ASCII commands
// Multiple ASCII commands can be concatenated
config.Remappings.Add(3, "/1 stream 1 io set do 4 1/1 stream 1 wait 100"); // M3
config.Remappings.Add(5, "/1 stream 1 io set do 4 0/1 stream 1 wait 100"); // M5
// Execute the translation
Translator translator = new Translator(new StreamReader("MyGCodeFile.ngc"), config);
IEnumerable<ZaberCommand> cmds = translator.Translate();
// Print warning and error logs, if any
int logCount = translator.Messages.Log.Count;
if(logCount > 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} warnings/errors:", logCount);
foreach (var log in translator.Messages.Log)
Console.WriteLine("No warning/error.");
// Print ASCII commands if translation is successful
if (cmds != null)
foreach (var cmd in cmds)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", cmd.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("No output was produced. Check errors above.");


The Configuration object can be saved to and loaded from files with Configuration.Serialize(TextWriter, Configuration) and Configuration.Deserialize(TextReader). These files are compatible with the Zaber Console plugin.

Please refer to the Configuration section of the plugin documentation for descriptions of each setting.


Zaber support is available at conta.nosp@m.ct@z.nosp@m.aber..nosp@m.com.

Telephone and other contact information are also available at https://www.zaber.com/contact.