Core Serial Library in C#
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAsciiCommandA class to represent ASCII commands to be sent to Zaber devices.
 CAsciiReplyA class to parse and represent replies from Zaber devices using the ASCII protocol.
 CBinaryCommandA class for representing and encoding 6-byte binary commands.
 CBinaryReplyA class for representing replies from devices using the binary protocol.
 CCommandAn abstract class for commands of all forms to inherit from.
 CIZaberAxisAn interface to represent an individual Zaber device's axis.
 CIZaberPortAn interface for communicating with Zaber devices over a serial port.
 CReplyAn abstract class for replies of all forms to inherit from.
 CUnexpectedReplyReceivedExceptionThrown when an axis receives a reply from a device or axis which is not itself, or when the reply is of an unexpected type.
 CZaberAsciiAxisA class to model an individual axis of an ASCII device.
 CZaberAsciiDeviceA class to represent a single- or multi-axis Zaber device using the ASCII protocol.
 CZaberAsciiPortRepresents a port connected to devices using the ASCII protocol.
 CZaberBinaryDeviceRepresents an axis of a device running in the binary protocol.
 CZaberBinaryPortRepresents a port connected to devices using the binary protocol.