T-Series/Commands/Read Or Write Memory

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Read Or Write Memory - Cmd 35

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Instruction Name Read Or Write Memory
Applies to T-Series motorized devices
Firmware Version 5.xx
Command Number 35
Command Type Command
Command Data Data
Reply Data Data
Safe to retry? Yes
Returns Current Position? No
Persistence Non-Volatile
Summary Reads or writes a byte of non-volatile memory.

128 bytes of memory are available for user data. For example, the user may want to save some custom data such as a serial number, a name string, or data that uniquely identifies a particular device. Data written is not cleared by power down or reset. The most significant bit of byte 3 specifies whether the instruction is a read (0) or a write (1). The least significant 7 bits of byte 3 specify the address to read/write (0 to 127). Byte 4 specifies the value to be written. Bytes 5 and 6 are ignored.

These settings are stored in non-volatile memory and will persist after power-down or reset.