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Physical Installation

Mounting the Device

To mount the X-FWR filter wheel to an optical breadboard, a single optic post can be used as shown. Alternatively, using the AP134 post mounts, the device can be mounted to two posts either horizontally or vertically.

Exchanging Filter Holders

Optic Installation

Optics can be installed in to the filter holders using the provided retaining rings. To access the filter holder, remove the housing lid using a 2.5mm hex key.

Restoring Settings or Updating Firmware

When new firmware is installed on the X-FWR, or a restore settings command is sent, the settings for the installed filter holder may be lost. You can send the tools detectholder command to automatically re-configure the device or set the filter holder ID by sending set filter.holderid (T:81) with the ID value for your installed wheel.